Our Providers

Dr. John T. Mays, MD

John T. Mays, MD, demonstrates his love for sports medicine through his practice at Willis Knighton Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine in Bossier City, Louisiana. A board certified orthopedic surgeon (American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery), Dr. Mays is a local high school football team physician. He enjoys assisting young athletes, as well as more experienced athletes both on and off the field.  

Always starting with the least invasive treatments of home exercises or physical therapy, Dr. Mays has a range of tools in his orthopedic medical tool bag. Patients with the most severe injuries or older age may require more clinical or surgical care. Hip and knee replacements are a specialty of Dr. Mays, and he is known throughout the region for the care he provides to prevent hip arthritis.  

Louisiana Tech University was his undergraduate home where he earned a degree in biomedical engineering. He went to the University of Alabama School of Medicine for his medical degree, followed by an internship and orthopedic residency at the Medical University of South Carolina.  

Patient Stories

Brenda Sepulvado
Knee Replacement
Charles Garner
Knee Replacement
Gene Boudreaux
Two Total Knee Replacements
Greg Williams
Knee and Hip Replacement
Helen Campbell
Two Knee Replacements
Jackie Gipson
Partial Knee Replacement
Leonard Bonnette
Total Hip Replacement
Roland (Bo) V. McKneely, III
Two Total Knee Replacements
Wayne E. Carter
Rotator Cuff Repair

Patient Education - KTBS Healthline 3

Dr. John T. Mays discusses Hip Pain on KTBS Healthline 3
Dr. John T. Mays discusses Shoulder Pain and Rotator Cuff Repair on KTBS Healthline 3
Dr. John Mays discusses Shoulder Pain on KTBS Healthline 3
Willis Knighton Health